About Us
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Our mission is to inspire meaningful connections through reading and discussion. We believe in the power of book club to enhance the reading experience, support lifelong learning, and build community.

Our vision for Bookclubs is grounded in a deep appreciation for the positive transformation that takes place in book club. We help book clubs get organized, so they stay together.
Our mission is to cultivate a vibrant and welcoming space where books become bridges to understanding, empathy, and creativity. We believe in the power of literature to inspire change, challenge perspectives, and ignite imaginations.

Our Values


We are always striving to improve Bookclubs. Security and reliability are paramount. And we continually poll our users for vital input on new features, partnerships, content, and design.


Haven wants the book club to be a collaborative, stimulating, fun way to really connect with others.

Diversity & Inclusion

We value diversity in the book clubs we serve, the stories and authors we feature, and in our own team.
Book clubs are inexpensive, and we want Bookclubs to be equally accessible: Our site and app are free, and always will be.

Social Impact

We know that book club is a force for good.
Books help shape, establish, and inform our identities. We actively seek to cultivate experiences that transcend book club and positively impact our society and our world..